Half as Old as Time

Wadaa Habibi
Tuesday 14th March 2023


We were sat in the hoter foyer at 4:30am. What a rude awakening. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 9am and we were possibly an hour away we had booked a taxi with Khaleel for 5am.

We were too early for breakfast at the hotel so we were given a lunch box each with a sandwich, an apple, a banana, and two small chocolate muffins. None of which were appealing at this time of the morning. Although I did appreciate the orange juice.

We never found out what the sandwich was filled with.


Khaleel arrived on time and we left for the airport with plenty of time to get there.

For most of the journey we were the only car on the road, so we made good timing and arrived at Queen Alia International Airport after only three quarters of an hour.

Checking in our luggage and going through security didn't take us long at all and we were browsing through the duty-free shop at 6:15am! We now had a long wait ahead of us but at least we were safely at the airport.

Other than duty free there wasn't much in the way shops to keep us occupied but we did come across this cafe selling an amazing pastry filled with cheese and potato. It may have lacked any finesse but it was delicious, the perfect comfort food for breakfast.

It was so tasty we went back for another one half an hour later.

We could have eaten our own body weight in them but were saved from doing so when our gate number came up and we said goodbye to this beautiful country, the land beyond the Jordan.

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